Grand Peaks – Dr. Jacob Curtis, COVID-19 Info

Doctor At Grand Peaks - rexburg wellness center

On April 2, 2020, Grand Peaks Medical Director, Dr. Jacob Curtis, provided information to the public regarding COVID-19 or the Novel Corona Virus.  The video coverage was broadcast via webinar as well as Facebook Live.  Basic information regarding COVID-19 was given to help educate the public and patients, and hopefully ease fears and increase awareness in our community.  For those not able to view the video live, please go to our Facebook page and watch the video.  A link will be updated for the YouTube video this week.

*Disclaimer:  The information given was current at the time of presentation and not meant to be specific patient clinical advice.  Please contact your primary care physician’s office for direction if you have questions specific to your condition.

Or visit these reputable and trusted sites-

State of Idaho COVID-19 Updates Website:

State of Idaho COVID-19 HOTLINE:  1-888-330-3010  (M-F  8am-6pm)

Eastern Idaho Public Health:

CDC Website:
